NanoTwitter Stage 2: Storage

Persistent Storage


It is a good idea to start with the database before worrying about business logic. I assume you are using ActiveRecord but more adventurous students might decide to try a different storage strategy. I recommend ActiveRecord because it is known to work for this application, and you already know it from Cosi166 Capstone. Similarly, I recommend using Postgres. In any event, you will remain responsible for the same functionality and performance. If you plan to use other than ActiveRecord + Postgres, please talk to me first.

Do this

Create a Rudimentary Sinatra App

  • Create a skeleton Sinatra App as the start of your nanoTwitter implementation in your app directory.
  • Use Postgres as your database. If you want to do something else, talk to me first.

Create the models

  • From the previous stage you know what your schema is (but trust me, it will change as you understand things better.)
  • Create the Models and the Migrations. You will have four at the very least. But likely more.
  • Create the Associations (one to one, many to one, etc.)
  • Add ActiveRecord validations everywhere it makes sense


  • Create Seed data for all the tables using Faker
  • Manually test your associations using the Sinatra Console
  • Write unit tests for all the models
  • Especially write unit tests to check the follow logic.


  • All your code should be in your single shared Github repo
  • Create a rudimentary Heroku application
  • Demonstrate that your tests run


  • Your code uploaded to Github
  • Console output showing that the tests run