Concurrency 1 (Thu Mar 31, lect 20) | previous | next | slides |

Synchronous and asynchronous processing, threads and processes


  • Secret code:
  • What is the highest number of threads you’ve gotten to?
  • How much of the test interface have you implenmented?
  • Any questions?

Scalability Pattern: Concurrency

  • Do more with the available resources
  • Do more things at the same time
  • Resource idle time is your enemy
    1. CPU
    2. Network
    3. Disk
    4. Database

Scenarios when concurrency is an option

  • Users can ask for a detailed report about their twitter traffic
    1. It can be a one shot, or regenerated at midnight
    2. It can be displayed on the screen or emailed
    3. Inline is no good because of computational cost and error handling
  • User enters a new value in a spreadsheet
    1. The cell can update immediately
    2. The recalculation can be done concurrently (asynchronously)
  • Note: AJAX uses a very common form of concurrency
  • Note: Count the users’ own computer as one of the processors!

Scaling pattern: concurrency on a single computer

  • Difference between syncrhonous and asynchronous
  • Difference between concurrent and parallel

Processes (“forking”)

  • Use more memory (new VM for each process)
  • for the data + the program + everything
  • “Copy on write”
  • If parent dies before children, they can become “zombie” processes
  • Context switching very expensive
  • Communication expensive (IPC or file system)
  • Slower to create and destroy
  • Less hard to program and debug (not easy!)


  • Use less memory (Shared memory space)
  • All threads die when oricess dies
  • Context switching cheap
  • Communication cheap (via queues and shared memory)
  • Fast to create and destroy
  • Harder to program and debug
  • Ruby and Pyton “GIL”
    1. Global interpretter lock
    2. Essentially they become single threaded
    3. Except for asynchrony provded by OS via IO operations
    4. “It’s complicated”
  • Ruby libraries that use processes
    1. Resque - background processing framework
    2. Unicordn - http server
  • Ruby Libraries that use Threads
    1. Sidekiq - background processing framework
    2. Puma - http server
    3. Thin - http server


  • A property of software, or a routine or a class
  • Does it behave ‘well’ when running in a thread (sharing memory)
  • Deadlock (“deadly embrace”)
    1. Example with two people and two tools
  • Race Condition
    1. When the results vary due to
    2. How to avoid: using semaphors, queues, and other techniques


Scaling Pattern: Asycnhronous processing

  • Real examples
    1. Account registraton confirmation emails (actually all emails)
    2. Daily (periodic or episodic) notification emails
    3. Automatic backups or archiving
    4. Image Resizing
    5. Spam checking
  • Synchronous: Caller waits for response
  • Asynchronous: Request returns immediately, but result comes later
  • Web server mainly responds to http requests!
  • Background processing happens even if no requests!

How do processes work in a modern Operating System?

  • Scheduler part of the OS
  • Processes can be fairly heavy weight
  • Let’s estimate how many background processs you would need
  • How would you handle processes that:
    1. Were taking too long?
    2. Had crashed?
    3. Needed to be restarted?
    4. Or what if the server crashes as a whole?
    5. It’s a mess. Need abstractions!

Case 1: Schedule based

  • “CRON jobs”: Most elementary. Require “privileges”
  • Alternative: Native “scheduler” application (e.g. Heroku Simple Job Scheduler)

Case 2: Request based

  • Request handled ‘asynchronously’ of course
  • By local server, in a separate process
  • By a remote server
  • Request queueing
    1. What happens when requests come faster than we can handle them
    2. How do we add more performance in handling request
    1. Make sure the API returns right away and requestor has a way to check status
team Plan to use asynchronous processing?

Thank you. Questions?  (random Image from