Database Tuning 2 (Tue Mar 29, lect 19) | previous | next | slides |

How database architecture affects performance and scale and how to improve it


  • Magic code:

Scalability Pattern: Database Caching

  • Using caching (e.g. redis) to reduce db access

Example: Social Graph

  • Schema (like all of you have)
    1. User(id, name)
    2. Follow(id, follower_id, following_id)
    3. Content(id, author_id)
  • Nicely normalized
    1. First, Second and Third Normal form
    2. Origins of the relational database
  • Queries like:
    1. How many people are following user X?
    2. Who is following user Y?
    3. What are the most recent “n” posts (i.e. content) for user “u”?
    4. What are the most recent “n” posts for users that “u” is following?
  • But to display each and every user, a join is needed!


  • Ask database system to analyze SQL queries that are slow
    1. Discover that the social graph access was very slow
  • Discussion
    1. Have you started using redis yet in your projects?
    2. What do your redis keys look like?
    3. How do you compute your cache key?

DB: Caching

  • Use Network scale caching (Redis) to store and share across servers
    1. count:followers:u = number
    2. count:following:u = number
  • How to maintain this number?
  • How important is it that it is correct?
  • What might make it incorrect?

Add APIs

  • get_follower_count(user), get_following_count(user), incr_follower_count(user), decr_follower_count(user), incr_following_count(user), decr_following_count(user)
  • What class has those methods?
  • Where are they invoked?
  • Result of queries?
  • Result of search?
  • Creating the cache key
  • What do you store in the cache?
Teams Discuss and design how you would incorporate this idea in your specific nanoTwitter

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