NanoTwitter Stage 7: Initial deployment testing

Deploy and test


We are now crossing into scalability testing. You should have the majority of your functioanlity built although probably somewhat buggy and with holes here and there. Let’s see how well it works under load!

Do this

  • Now that nT is up on heroku, try having all three team members log into it at the same time and do some tweeting. Make sure it works, that the right tweets are displayed to followers. Fix any bugs you find along the way.
  • Review NanoTwitter Load Testing for useful background on how to proceed.
  • Use to generate some artificial loads. Configure and your app so the load testing can work. And start playing around with different loads. Familiarlize yourself with, it’s options and what the functionality actually means.
  • With load testing it is typical to discover actual bugs in the code. When you find a bug, try hard to add one or more tests to your test suite that would have exposed the bug ahead of time. For example, if load testing reveals that adding a user with a duplicate name causes an exception, fix the bug, but then also add a new unit test that proves that the bug is fixed.


  1. Provide Your github repo which we will look at and your heroku url to demonstrate that you’ve gotten it all up into the cloud
  1. Please write a short report about what you tried with the test. Did you get it to work? Did you find a bug? How did the experience feel? Include some screenshots from that are particulary interesting.