(T) Continued Load Testing

Now start following the scalability test plans


Continuing to stress your NanoTwitter, we now start using your nt Test Interface for real and begin getting a feel for how well things are working. This should be fun and exciting to see your work coming to fruition!

Do this

  • Review this again: Load Testing nanoTwitter. For this assignment you will need to begin the process of load testing according to the link above. Here are the required steps:
  • Make sure you have implemented GET /test/reset?user_count=u from nT Test Interface
  • Run it to load 1000 users, their tweets and follows
  • If you haven’t yet, get a free account on Loader.io, and configure your nTwitter for loader.io
  • Load test your simple home page GET /user_id=123 (using a real user_id) with loads of 10, 100 and 250, 1000, and 2000 concurrent users

Please submit this

Write up a short report with summary of the test results including at least one graph: